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“more translatable”
translatable (adjective), more translatable, most translatable
1. Possible of being changed or put into another language: Mrs. Smith gave her students easily translatable German texts to work on and reword in English for their homework.
2. Susceptible of being converted or reconstructed into another substance; transformable: The ideas that Jim had could be translatable into a real tangible and useful device, and so he wrote all his ideas down!
2. Susceptible of being converted or reconstructed into another substance; transformable: The ideas that Jim had could be translatable into a real tangible and useful device, and so he wrote all his ideas down!
This entry is located in the following units:
(page 37)
later-, lateral-, -late, -lat, -lation, -lative
(page 2)
trans-, tran-, tra-
(page 13)